Marketing Strategies That Really Work

Marketing Strategies That Really Work

digital marketing, experience, real estate, real estate digital marketing
If you haven’t read my previous post about “4 Pieces of Advice for REI Newbies”. I highly encourage you to do so because I’ve mentioned that real estate investing is all a numbers game and the more effort you put in the better your results are. Now if you have followed my advice previously and want to take things up a notch you’re at the right place.   I am sure by now we all know the sales funnel: LEADS > DEALS > PROFIT!   This is true and it applies to almost every business, but let’s look at a few strategies that you can use to improve your cost per lead ratio as low as possible. The first strategy we will look at is the “Shotgun” vs. “Targeted” approach…
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2 Things you need, if you want to find deals online

2 Things you need, if you want to find deals online

digital marketing, experience, opinion
We all know that as a business you need these two things: for customers to know you exist to have them trust you   Although there are other details of business that exist, I am not saying that the business owner shouldn’t think about it but what I am saying is that as business owners (or in your case, as investors) the tendency is to over complicate things and get upset trying to think about how to increase sales and growth. Instead of spending all your time searching for “2019 marketing hacks” or watching the latest guru show you what’s working this year, you’re focusing on the wrong things.   From my experience, I think that it is really important that your customers know that you exist (meaning, know you…
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How I Found the Best Real Estate Website Builder to Grow My Brand

How I Found the Best Real Estate Website Builder to Grow My Brand

experience, opinion, real estate web builder
How do you Stand Out? The National Association of REALTORS®, America’s largest trade association, represents 1.3 million members, comprising of residential and commercial REALTORS®, who are brokers, salespeople, property managers, appraisers, counselors, and others engaged in all aspects of the real estate industry. There’s probably one million realtors out there, pounding the pavement, getting listings and making sales. As a realtor competing in this industry for property sales, how does one STAND OUT? My own Realtor Website! It starts, of course, by getting good property listings. But to get good property listings, clients need to know and trust you. So you need to establish a good brand, and be able to cast the net wider than your immediate circle of people you know. Establishing an online presence then becomes paramount to…
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experience, investment, marketing, 加拿大买房投资, 温哥华买房投资
温哥华位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省西南部太平洋沿岸,是加拿大的主要港口城市和重要经济中心,也是加拿大西部的政治、文化、旅游和交通中心。该市已连续多年被联合国人居署评为全球最宜居的城市之一。   温哥华这里的生活品质非常高,因为这里的犯罪率很低,教育质量比较优越,交通也是非常的发达,这里还有很多的福利和医疗保健等     如果你准备去加拿大买房投资的话,那么温哥华就是就得首选。毕竟在温哥华买房的投资的回报率是很高的。正是因为这种原因才让越来越多的人开始选择去温哥华买房了。虽然投资的成本比较高,但是投资所获得收益也是很多的。   要投资温哥华房产, 当然是要预约看房。 预约看房, 但让一定要找好的地产经纪人。   好的地产服务团体,会为你减少了很多比必要的麻烦。 要记得要求以下的服务哦   1.免费按您的需求选择合适房源; 2.免费接送机服务,陪同您看房; 3.免费提供所需物业的相关详细资料; 4.免费提供对有关房屋各项开支成本的初步预算; 5.免费为您提供地产交易的法律文件拟定、解释以及交易过程中所需要的验房、信贷、法律顾问等。。 6.免费协助您提供交易后各种手续办理的技术支持。 我们这边会列下在温哥华会说普通话的房产经纪人, 各位可以自行联系:   Henry Wang Max Chiu, Diana wang 叶劲      
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From a homebuyer perspective: Qualities that make an awesome Realtor:

From a homebuyer perspective: Qualities that make an awesome Realtor:

experience, opinion
From a home buyer perspective: Qualities that make an awesome Realtor: There are many realtors. However, a good real estate agent can be difficult to find, especially if you do not know what you are looking for. We had a chat with some industry experts to find out what homebuyer normally are looking for when scouting around for the perfect agent, to assist them in buying their dream home. They communicate As a house seller or buyer it can be stressful dealing with an agent who’s not a great communicator. The real estate market is time sensitive, so you need an agent who will let you know quickly where you stand with your current buying or selling situation so you can move on quickly to another property or potential buyer.Jean Bowie from a…
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The Digital House Hunt: Consumer and Market Trends in Real Estate

The Digital House Hunt: Consumer and Market Trends in Real Estate

digital marketing, experience, marketing, real estate digital marketing
Google and NAR had collaborated to uncover trends and insights around digital media usage among home shoppers, whether they are looking to buy, rent and sell real estate. The articles below summarized the key findings of this research between Google and NAR Consumers are going online at a rapid pace to look for information to support their buying decisions Google calls this idea ZMOT, or the Zero Moment of Truth*; the idea that shopping is no longer about showing up in a store, or in our cases at a brokers’ office or an open house, seeking advice or counsel on what to buy or how much they should pay In today’s complex, rapidly changing, and digitally driven media environment, capturing a home shopper’s attention in order to build a real…
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