
Real Estate Business Digitalization

Real estate really is a great career choice, especially in Canada and USA where we have over 350 million population constantly looking to rent, purchase, and sell real estates.

It is an industry that will never fade away and a fulfilling career, where we are always helping people with the largest transaction in their life.
The hours are flexible and the pay is great for a realtor in North America, where it is common for a fairly average realtor to have an annual compensation of over USD100,000 and more. However, thriving as a professional in the real estate industry requires a unique set of skills and in this digital age, it is all about generating leads online.

At Digital Realtor, we will share our experience in using various tools in generating quality leads from various digital channel, such as getting as much eyeballs on MLS or IDX listing as well as engaging various digital provider such as Ubertor to help you stand out on your realtor website.

In order to be a successful realtor in the digital sphere, every realtor must invest time and money to get the below right

  1. Build your digital presence professionally! Be it realtor website, social media presence such as Google place, twitter, facebook etc
  2. Get your real estate listing online: Sign up for MLS and IDX service and get more eyeballs on what real estate you currently have and what you have sold before.
  3. Update your digital presence weekly: trust me, if you are diligent in updating your websites, blogs and social media account while deploying some cool SEO tools to automate this task, your realtor websites will be highly ranked on Google page. This will definitely bring you unexpected, high quality leads constantly!

Do browse thru Digital Realtor to find out the various strategies that you can deploy to generate more digital leads as a Realtor.