Will Bitcoin fuels the next wave of Real Estate boom in Canada/USA?

Will Bitcoin fuels the next wave of Real Estate boom in Canada/USA?

bitcoin, real estate, trend, Uncategorized
Bitcoin mining consumes large quantities of energy because it uses computers to solve complex maths puzzles to validate transactions in the cryptocurrency, which are written to the blockchain, or digital ledger. The first miner to solve the problem is rewarded in bitcoin and the transaction is added to the blockchain. In 2018, we see that many large scale bitcoin mining company has setup pilot sites in North America to take advantage of the cheap electricity tariff as well as cool weather that will reduce the energy intake of the bitcoin mining machines. We see multiple industrial real estate has been snapped up by such mining corporations at Quebec, Washinton and Vancouver. The below are the large corporations snapping up such real estates for its mining facilities: Vancouver, Canada: Hut 8…
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Create a good realtor website

Create a good realtor website

digital marketing, real estate, real estate web builder
In this past few years, it seems that the real estate industry has lived up to its reputation. More and more fresh graduates are excited to be a licensed agent and it seems to be a hot career pick for most, mainly because of the glamorous lifestyle successful real estate agents are showing. Don’t worry today we’re going to break down the 5 reasons why most real estate websites fail and how you can overcome it   One Size Fits All Plan I am sure you’ve come across some websites where they try to fit all the information on one page. Squeezing them all together with ugly fonts and weird color templates. (You should have an image in your mind right now and that's not the type of website you…
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加拿大买房投资, 多伦多买房投资
多伦多投资应该买地还是买房?地方达人好介绍!   买楼花和买地有一些相似之处,投资周期都较长。 买楼花通常要3-5年才能交房。最简单的购买单块成熟住宅用地要取得较好效益也得3年以上。 购买楼花可以前期投入资金很少,只需定金,剩下的首付部分在数年里分几次付出,对买家来说财务压力没有那么大。通常在这几年里还可以申请到购房贷款。购买楼花对买家的财务状况要求没有那么大。没有地产投资经验,只要能决定好地点,楼层,大小,价格就可以了,对投资者在房地产方面的知识要求没有特别之处。可以说是大部分投资者无论大小都适宜的一种投资项目。   但买地这种投资就对买家有相当多的地产知识方面的要求。比如政府对土地的开发规划,要买地块规划方面的要求,地块是否有过污染,是否在洪泛区,适合建造什么样的物业等等。买地对资金的要求要高。   很多朋友打电话询问,中国大陆的朋友希望在 加拿大置业,但从来没有来过加拿大,是否可以贷款买房。虽然加拿大各大主要商业银行在中国都设有分行或办事处,可以帮助开户,但这种账户通常需要在加拿大 境内激活,才可以用于支付。 我在这里会介绍两位多伦多著名的本地中介 给大家认识。 各位可以自行联络哦   Kevin chen http://www.kevinchenrealty.com Tina mak http://tinamak2.ourubertor.com/Home.ubr                
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Top SEO Keywords for Realtor in Canada 2018

Top SEO Keywords for Realtor in Canada 2018

digital marketing, marketing, real estate digital marketing
Top SEO Keywords for Realtor in Canada 2018 Real estate keywords are the topics that define what your online content is about. People use keywords to search for the content that they’re interested in, so optimizing your website or social media for them makes it easier to be found. This helps to drive traffic to your website, resulting in more leads and clients. If you are looking to improve your Realtor Website ranking on Google, do consider to create content that has keywords that are currently generating a lot of traffics on Google. Below are the top SEO keywords for 2018 that reflect the trends that people are most interested in when searching for real estate related queries. Keyword Average Monthly Searches real estate 508,000 mls 434,000 houses for sale…
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How I Found the Best Real Estate Website Builder to Grow My Brand

How I Found the Best Real Estate Website Builder to Grow My Brand

experience, opinion, real estate web builder
How do you Stand Out? The National Association of REALTORS®, America’s largest trade association, represents 1.3 million members, comprising of residential and commercial REALTORS®, who are brokers, salespeople, property managers, appraisers, counselors, and others engaged in all aspects of the real estate industry. There’s probably one million realtors out there, pounding the pavement, getting listings and making sales. As a realtor competing in this industry for property sales, how does one STAND OUT? My own Realtor Website! It starts, of course, by getting good property listings. But to get good property listings, clients need to know and trust you. So you need to establish a good brand, and be able to cast the net wider than your immediate circle of people you know. Establishing an online presence then becomes paramount to…
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experience, investment, marketing, 加拿大买房投资, 温哥华买房投资
温哥华位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省西南部太平洋沿岸,是加拿大的主要港口城市和重要经济中心,也是加拿大西部的政治、文化、旅游和交通中心。该市已连续多年被联合国人居署评为全球最宜居的城市之一。   温哥华这里的生活品质非常高,因为这里的犯罪率很低,教育质量比较优越,交通也是非常的发达,这里还有很多的福利和医疗保健等     如果你准备去加拿大买房投资的话,那么温哥华就是就得首选。毕竟在温哥华买房的投资的回报率是很高的。正是因为这种原因才让越来越多的人开始选择去温哥华买房了。虽然投资的成本比较高,但是投资所获得收益也是很多的。   要投资温哥华房产, 当然是要预约看房。 预约看房, 但让一定要找好的地产经纪人。   好的地产服务团体,会为你减少了很多比必要的麻烦。 要记得要求以下的服务哦   1.免费按您的需求选择合适房源; 2.免费接送机服务,陪同您看房; 3.免费提供所需物业的相关详细资料; 4.免费提供对有关房屋各项开支成本的初步预算; 5.免费为您提供地产交易的法律文件拟定、解释以及交易过程中所需要的验房、信贷、法律顾问等。。 6.免费协助您提供交易后各种手续办理的技术支持。 我们这边会列下在温哥华会说普通话的房产经纪人, 各位可以自行联系:   Henry Wang http://wangzheng2.ourubertor.com/ Max Chiu,http://maxchiu2.ourubertor.com/ Diana wang http://dianawangrealtor.ourubertor.com/ 叶劲 https://jinye.ourubertor.com/      
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Ultimate Guide to Real Estate SEO 2018: 7 Ways to Earn Traffic & Leads

Ultimate Guide to Real Estate SEO 2018: 7 Ways to Earn Traffic & Leads

digital marketing, marketing, real estate digital marketing
When house hunting, 90 percent of buyers use the internet. In fact, over 53% started their research online, according to an extensive report on real estate consumer trends conducted by Google and the National Association of Realtors.  Home buyers consider real estate websites the most useful source of information when buying a home. The big question realtor always asked is: How can I capture internet traffic to my personal Realtor Website? According to this interesting blog on improving realtor website SEO by Ubertor , You have to carve out a niche for yourself — think locally, and then expand. Most home shoppers begin their research with a local keyword phrase, like “Toronto realtor.” Most realtors service multiple cities and regions. However, when you start your website, focus on the main…
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Celebrity Real Estate News: Uber CEO sold his Seattle home for $3.8 million

Celebrity Real Estate News: Uber CEO sold his Seattle home for $3.8 million

investment, news, real estate
Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi sold his Seattle home in early October for $3.835 million in an off-market deal. Having shifted gears to helm the San Francisco-based ride-hailing company in 2017, the 49-year-old exec was no longer in need of a home in the Emerald City.  Khosrowshahi bought the place in the Pacific Northwest in 2010 for $3 million, according to property records. The purchase came five years after he was installed as CEO of the travel site Expedia.  The Uber boss pocketed a decent profit from the Seattle home sale, which he could put toward a payment on the ultra luxe home he reportedly purchased in San Francisco. According to Socket Site, Khosrowshahi picked up a swanky residence in the tony Pacific Heights neighborhood last year for $16.5 million in an off-market transaction.  Built in 1929, the…
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[News update]If you own a home north of Toronto, you’d better sit down.

[News update]If you own a home north of Toronto, you’d better sit down.

news, real estate, trend
Condo prices per square foot in the Vancouver city centre have soared 40 per cent over the past year, according to a survey from Century 21 Canada. A new study from realtor Century 21 breaks down house prices in Canada per square foot and it shows tremendous price increase. "Trends in real estate prices per square foot have been fickle for the last year —soft in some cities but stable in others, even varying from suburb to suburb in some cases," Century 21 Canada said in its report. "The trend of fluctuating prices has very likely only increased further since our cut-off for data earlier this summer," executive vice-president Brian Rushton said. While Vancouver's housing market went into serious slowdown mode over the course of this year, condo prices in the…
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From a homebuyer perspective: Qualities that make an awesome Realtor:

From a homebuyer perspective: Qualities that make an awesome Realtor:

experience, opinion
From a home buyer perspective: Qualities that make an awesome Realtor: There are many realtors. However, a good real estate agent can be difficult to find, especially if you do not know what you are looking for. We had a chat with some industry experts to find out what homebuyer normally are looking for when scouting around for the perfect agent, to assist them in buying their dream home. They communicate As a house seller or buyer it can be stressful dealing with an agent who’s not a great communicator. The real estate market is time sensitive, so you need an agent who will let you know quickly where you stand with your current buying or selling situation so you can move on quickly to another property or potential buyer.Jean Bowie from a…
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